May 20, 2020

Our individual temperaments play an important role in our reaction to internal and external stimuli.

You might ask then, what is a temperament? In psychology, Temperament broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes (Wikipedia) .The individual properties and features of temperament may foster or inhibit the development of personality traits.

There are 4 temperaments (Galen model) - The Resolute Choleric, The Sensitive Melancholic, The Calm Phlegmatic and The Energetic Sanguine and each of these temperaments adapt and react to situations differently.

Our temperaments can also be related to our individual style of parenting, work, handling relationships, delegation, leadership, and followership. It might also guide how we respond to this New Normal created by the COVID - 19 pandemic. Thus, understanding this will help us make a conscious effort towards coping and overcoming the challenges that comes with new normal.

The Sanguine temperament: The Sanguine is a very social person who likes to be with and around people. Of all the temperaments, the Sanguine is the easiest to be around socially. They bring life and energy into a room by their presence. Their infectious cheerfulness and distinct humor brighten everyone’s life. They are rarely found alone, are extremely optimistic, believe life is an exciting and fun-filled experience that should be lived to the fullest. Inactivity causes them stress because their pace of living is fast and furious. The Sanguine in Inclusion is the most spontaneous of all the temperaments.

The Sanguine in the New Normal: As the sanguine thrives on communication and people, it would be the worst hit of the temperaments by social distancing and confinement. To cope with the new normal, it is important for the sanguine to find effective ways to continue communicating and being with people and if not physically, but to be around them virtually.

They can fully utilize the virtual opportunities available to us i.e. do more text messaging, virtual meetings and other interaction. It might be important they take up exercises that has to do with the outdoors like jogging and walking to enable them meet and interact with people while safely keeping a distance. A sanguine should not quarantine alone and if living alone, they must find ways to continue to interact /talk to neighbors maybe from their balconies, porches etc. They can also take on virtual sports and other competitions which can give a feel of physical interaction with people.

The Melancholic Temperament– The melancholic is characterized by increased sensitivity. They are able to accept approval/disapproval and have high demands on oneself and other people. This temperament is restrained and tactful, their emotions and feelings are strong and long lasting. People of this temperament feel comfortable and work productively in a familiar and peaceful atmosphere. The Melancholic hides their emotions as they do not share their thoughts and feelings with others. They are selective of their friends ,often have very few close friends, are detached and unsociable. The Melancholic is the only type of temperament characterized by vulnerability and touchiness. They are not eager to communicate with new people and it takes time for them to adapt in a new team. It is easy to tag them as snobs, nerds or introverts.

The Melancholic in the New Normal: As this temperament type is detailed and enjoys working alone, it might be important to keep in touch with their few close friends, family and take up new tasks that will give them a sense of purpose. This could be redecorating, learning a new skill/trade, Gardening, cooking /baking etc. They can also binge on TV shows. This temperament will not be as overly affected by the New normal social distancing as long as they have their family and few close friends who will give that support when they need it. However, they will be very deeply affected by the loss of a close friend or relative due to the virus. Thus, learning something new and frequent communication with their friends /family will help take their minds off happenings.

The Phlegmatic Temperament: This temperament is calm, careful, patient and diligent. They show sequence at work and they finish all their assigned tasks. Their speech is usually quiet, with pauses, without expressive emotions, gestures, and facial expressions. They can perform monotonous hard work and are taciturn. They do not waste their strengths in vain and are systematic in work. The Phlegmatic prefers routine to a chaotic and rough life. They are able to control their emotions, feelings,thoughts and are stable in relationships and interests. They also get along with people of other temperaments [although they frustrate the Choleric who feel they are not quick enough and are not self motivated]. The phlegmatic do not pay attention to approval or disapproval and cannot respond quickly to new situations. They hide their emotions/ feelings well and their movements are slow and inexpressive. They adapt to new environment with very great effort and do not want to get acquainted with new people if they can help it.

The Phlegmatic in the New Normal: For this temperament, the new normal is a chaotic situation which can take them time to adjust to. As they are the most stubborn of all the temperaments when it comes to making changes, with their unwillingness to become involved in any action that will exact their energy or emotions and their tendency to be an observer rather than a participant, they must take necessary steps and a conscious effort to develop such qualities as mobility and activity as their natural passivity and langour should be suppressed.

They can create a routine which includes physical activity e.g. yoga exercises, jogging and chair exercises while working. The must also ensure they call family and friends as most times their cool, complacent attitude towards situations can hurt people that love them. Instead of inspiring people to create justice and be an observer, they can get involved in charitable work like volunteering in food banks, food pantry or counseling groups. They would also need consistent check ups on any newly assigned tasks and or projects that deviate from their normal work routine.

The Choleric Temperament: This Choleric temperament is characterized by resoluteness, initiative, and straightforwardness. They are mobile, flexible and fast. They work with great enthusiasm, overcoming obstacles as they come. Their speech is lively and emotional. The Choleric is able to make decisions quickly and are open to new ideas, style of work and information. They fall asleep with an active mind and wake up fast. They thrive in challenging, fast paced, and chaotic situations or environments. Their feelings appear fast and they are well expressed. The Choleric temperament is characterized by sharp, jerky movements, restlessness, instability and irritability. They are impatient and may be sharp and straightforward in everyday communication. They may also provoke conflicts, are obstinate, cranky, bossy and sensitive. Mood swings and breakdowns are common when they are not at optimum.

The Choleric Temperament in the New Normal: The new normal lack of movement will not deter the choleric but will confine him and get him into mood swings or depression if he has no activity or purpose. The choleric at this point of chaos can thrive where they find projects to involve themselves in. The more demanding the project, the better for this temperament type. The Choleric should seek purposeful pursuits at this point. They can start a food drive initiative, a neighborhood care activity, an exercise or learning group. At work, they should seek out more projects to fill up days and involve themselves in demanding tasks that will require a lot of planning, out of the box thinking, strategy and activity to thrive in the new normal. They can take it upon themselves or be assigned responsibility for following up on older family members who are not able to move around at present.

Whatever temperament you are, the key to thriving daily and in this New Normal is identifying and understanding oneself deeply.


The new normal